Trypan Blue is widely used in cell culture labs for selectively staining dead cells and tissues. The use of Trypan Blue dye can present challenges for accurately assessing cell counts and viability in some sample types. For these samples, a fluorescence assay such as Acridine Orange / Propidium Iodide (AO/PI) is a simple and highly accurate alternative.
Using the CellDrop Automated Cell Counter, DeNovix Scientific Director Dan Schieffer demonstrates both brightfield and fluorescence methods of cell counting and viability assessment.
More information on the CellDrop Automated Cell Counter:
Free Trial Program:
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00:00 Introduction
00:16 Today's Speaker
01:13 Poll #1
03:05 Introduction to the CellDrop
06:42 Cell Counting Methods
07:28 Poll #2
08:30 Introduction to Trypan Blue
09:45 Trypan Blue Live Demo
15:13 Mini Q&A Break
16:59 Introduction to Fluorescence
19:41 AO/PI Live Demo
25:46 Data App
26:38 Data, Applications & Conclusion
29:23 Q&A
Using the CellDrop Automated Cell Counter, DeNovix Scientific Director Dan Schieffer demonstrates both brightfield and fluorescence methods of cell counting and viability assessment.
More information on the CellDrop Automated Cell Counter:
Free Trial Program:
Request a Quote:
00:00 Introduction
00:16 Today's Speaker
01:13 Poll #1
03:05 Introduction to the CellDrop
06:42 Cell Counting Methods
07:28 Poll #2
08:30 Introduction to Trypan Blue
09:45 Trypan Blue Live Demo
15:13 Mini Q&A Break
16:59 Introduction to Fluorescence
19:41 AO/PI Live Demo
25:46 Data App
26:38 Data, Applications & Conclusion
29:23 Q&A